



Use Zectr to create DIY surveys and interactive reports, or use one of our pre-packaged solutions. Our solutions are built to facilitate each step of the product-development lifecycle from testing, to development, through to launch. Analytics incorporated in each module are in accordance with best practices and the most well-regarded latest models in research.

Test suite

Assess market receptivity of new product or service ideas.

Concept Screening

Identify highest potential ideas

Concept Evaluation

Feedback on features and product lines

Product Performance

Establish price and est. volume sales

Develop suite

Optimise your product features and your brand positioning.

Product-Market Calibration

Validate features, price, and market size

Market Intelligence

Map new markets and strategise entry

Market Positioning

Determine strategic positioning

Market Segmentation

Redefine personas using psychographics

Launch suite

Identify the best channels and communication ideas to market your product and track results.

Marketing & Channel Planning

Determine best avenues for reach

Consumer Journey

Outline marketing funnel

Ad Testing

A/B test marketing materials

Campaign Evaluation

Track campaign results

Brand Tracking

Pulse on brand KPIs

E-Commerce Review Analytics

Decipher public market feedback